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Les Cryptonautes Anonymes
27 janvier 2006


Le film de la semaine, c'est Jarhead réalisé par Sam Mendes, auteur de American Beauty et des Sentiers de la Perdition. Jarhead signifie "tête de bocal", et désigne le crâne vide d'un G.I. qui part se battre. Ce n'est pas un film de guerre, mais un drame existentiel sur les jeunes soldats engagés en Irak dans la guerre du Golfe de 1991, attendant une guerre qui n'en est pas vraiment une. Plutôt que de filmer les combats, le réalisateur fait le bilan accablant de loosers qui ne vivent que pour la guerre, parce que cette guerre est leur vie. Une oeuvre aussi nihiliste que fascinante, les fans du Full Metal Jacket de Stanley Kubrick apprécieront...
Simulated diamonds have long been held in disfavor, because of the assumption that simulation necessarily implies inferiority So it might come as something of a surprise that many professional gemmologists are now selling simulated diamonds alongside the real thing. Many of mans finest creations have been born in the lab, and moissanite diamonds are no exception.
A newspaper in Iran is now holding a cartoon contest called iran holocaust cartoons. Iran made Holocaust denial government policy when Iran foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki said in December that remarks made by the Iran president that the Nazi mass murder of Jews during World War II was a myth. Investors hit the ground running early in 2006, modern rings with the blue-chip averages rising for six out of the first seven sessions of the year, and the tech-fueled Nasdaq making it seven in a row rings